Entries by John Doyle

CalRecycle Funding Helps Launch Cleanup Of Contaminated Former LandfillCalRecycle financiamiento ayuda a limpieza de lanzamiento de su Antiguo Vertedero contaminada

SACRAMENTO – A recently awarded state grant will help San Diego County clean up and remediate a contaminated former burn dump in Fallbrook, near Camp Pendleton. The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) issues such cleanup grants from its Solid Waste Disposal Trust Fund. The county will receive $700,690 from CalRecycle for the project, […]

CalRecycle Cleanup Funds Will Help Restore Natural Splendor of Sullied Wildlife SanctuariesFondos CalRecycle de limpieza ayudará a restaurar el esplendor natural de los Santuarios de Vida Silvestre manchados

SACRAMENTO – Three wildlife sanctuaries contaminated with illegally dumped materials are slated for cleanup with partial funding from a state waste disposal grant. The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) awarded the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation $32,000 to clean up the areas and prevent further habitat degradation from illegally dumped […]

About Autism Acerca del Autismo

1 percent of the population of children in the U.S. ages 3-17 have an autism spectrum disorder.1 Prevalence is estimated at 1 in 88 births.2 1 to 1.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.3 Fastest-growing developmental disability; 1,148% growth rate.4 10 – 17 % annual growth.5 $60 billion annual cost.6 60% of costs […]

No Current Availability

We currently have no jobs available. Please check back on a regular basis. Once listings are again available please go to employment opportunities with a resume for upload. We at UHC thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon! Actualmente no tenemos ninguna puestos de trabajo disponibles. Por favor, vuelva sobre una base […]